Asiapac economics – no-one told China the mining boom is over

A view from the drivers of Asian economics: no-one told China the mining boom is over.

On Thursday August 8, Mr Wang Jiahua, Executive Vice Chairman of the China Mining Association, spoke to over 600 people at a Melbourne Mining Club luncheon (listen here).

In essence, he said the boom precipitated by China’s inexhaustible demand for commodities was far from over – and could run until around 2030.

Mr Wang gave very precise reasons why the boom was sustainable. He was also expansive about what Australia needed to do to clean up its act and take full advantage of the boom.

The main points of his speech are covered in the below (click notes to enlarge):

China Mining Association speech notes

In this light, the widespread claims that the mining boom has finished look pretty limp.

Garry Oliver

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