Advice >  Strategy >  Execution

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RMK+A’s team of communication strategists has access to the most up-to-date global information and trends that we use to
instruct our full range of communication, media, public relations and marketing services.

We work closely with industry professionals and academics who are experts in their respective fields, including media and advertising
agencies, graphic designers, web and app developers, market researchers, legal and financial advisers,
as well as management consultants to provide the best outcomes for our clients.

RMK+A is also able to conduct polling and community perception surveys on behalf of our clients to assist in rigorous
decision-making, product testing, and demonstrating to authorities a constructive engagement with the community.


RMK+A is a strategic communication and marketing consultancy.
Our business advises and acts for governments, corporates, professional bodies, industry associations, not-for-profits, and individuals.

We provide our clients with benefits to their operations through improved risk management and greater control of their message and image
through effective use of communication, marketing, and stakeholder relationship management. We have extensive experience in the development and
implementation of fully integrated communication and marketing strategies for the public and private sectors.

RMK+A is based in Melbourne and offers national and international coverage through a professional network of independently owned
communication and marketing consultancies; including our recent partnership with Sydney-based Wells Haslem Mayhew.


RMKA brings to all its work many years of experience in strategic communication, change management, issues/crisis management and media
relations at a government, business and community level.

John Photo

John Kananghinis

JOHN KANANGHINIS – Managing Director

John Kananghinis has over 30 years experience in strategic communication planning and implementation both as a consultant and as a senior executive within highly successful multi-national companies.

John has been Managing Director of a leading Australasian communication consultancy and has almost two decades of senior corporate experience through his roles as General Manager of Marketing & Communications for BMW Australia and Sales & Marketing Director for Scania Australia.

His focus is on premium brand building and the development of business vision and communication strategies. He also has extensive experience in financial services, investor relations, luxury goods, heavy industry, resources and manufacturing.

His extensive background in integrating all elements of sales, marketing and communication has seen him develop and implement significant national and international projects including numerous major sponsorships, product introductions and brand extension programmes.

John has also directed the creation of client internet sites, developed government and industry liaison strategies and managed corporate acquisitions and investments.

John studied law at Victoria University, Wellington and is also holds a Diploma in Business Communications from Massey University in New Zealand. He is also past President of the Advertising Institute of Australasia.

Alexander Corne Photo

Alexander Corne Associate

Alexander Corne

ALEXANDER CORNE – Senior Associate

Alexander has more than three decades of experience as a senior journalist and corporate communicator.

He has edited national motoring magazines, devised and implemented major communication programs for national and international corporations and served as the PR and Communication Manager for multi-national automotive companies in the luxury and commercial vehicle space.

Alexander has a deep understanding of marketing and communication strategy, combined with high-level writing skills and the experiece to apply those skills for the commercial benefit of clients.

Deirdre photo

Deirdre Wilson


Through associated design house, Hothouse Design, Deirdre is our expert in visual communication and information design.

She brings decades of experience in communicating highly complex information in immediately comprehensible visual formats that aid understanding and message delivery. Her skills have been invaluable in applications ranging from business to consumer and business to business information and presentations, internal communications and stakeholder engagement, to government relations and community information.

In a time-poor, information overload environment, such effective visual information delivery can provide the clarity and cut through to make all the difference in a successful communication campaign.

Rhonda Photo


Rhonda Norman

Rhonda Norman – Affiliate

Rhonda Norman has a background in travel, hotels, corporate incentive programs, and event management that spans more than 35 years.  Her diverse skill-set has enabled her to excel amid the evolving demands of the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality industries.

Working for some of the world’s leading brands – The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company and Accor APAC.  Consulting to other premium brands including – Audi Australia, BMW Group Australia and Volvo AU/AG, has kept Rhonda’s work ahead of the curve and cutting edge in design and execution.

Working across all facets of the industry has allowed her to build strong relationships with the best in the business and develop a deep knowledge of the travel industry and travel media. She enjoys collaborating with like-minded organisations that like to think outside the square and has received numerous industry awards, including as a talented landscape photographer.

Kathy Lindsay photo


Kathy Lindsay

Kathy Lindsay – Senior Affiliate, Sydney

Kathy has 15 years of political and corporate affairs experience in Sydney and Melbourne as well as 16 years corporate experience in Japan, Thailand and Indonesia.

She has directed in-house communications teams, headed up business to government advocacy efforts and managed political campaigns.

Kathy is highly experienced in the development of communication strategy, government relations, issues and crisis management, employee communication and change management, political liaison and community engagement.


Sorry, not sorry

June 21, 2023/by John Kananghinis

Data Breaches – It’s not if. It’s when!

Written on September 13, 2022. 10 days later, Optus.

October 4, 2022/by John Kananghinis

You will be accountable, but we won’t.

Accountability almost appears to have become a dirty word in both government and within the ballooning public servant ranks.
May 19, 2021/by John Kananghinis

An Impossible Standard to Meet – or – Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition

OK, fair cop. I did it. Forty some years ago I may have broken some road rules and possibly even made an occasional comment that would, today, be considered sexist.
May 19, 2021/by John Kananghinis

The rise of the echo chamber

By Alexander Corne

Social media and mobile devices provide…
December 2, 2020/by Kylie

Keeping an eye on fatal ‘optics’

By John Kananghinis

The demise of Christine Holgate at Australia…
December 2, 2020/by Kylie

The triple Ds no longer work

The old tools don’t work all that well, if at all.
September 6, 2020/by Kylie

The sum of all our fears

Fear is the ultimate weapon of the autocrat.
September 6, 2020/by Kylie

Words matter

Words carry meaning. They are too often bandied about without thought and little care for consequence.
June 14, 2020/by John Kananghinis

Expert leadership or leadership by experts?

What differentiates a leader from a mere politician or subject matter expert?
June 14, 2020/by John Kananghinis

New priorities in an upended world

In a world turned upside down what we value, let alone must do, has changed
April 23, 2020/by John Kananghinis

Post COVID-19 predictions. A brave new world?

Channelling Nostradamus we take a, not entirely serious, look into the near future.
April 23, 2020/by John Kananghinis
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